Last night students held the annual homecoming parade to celebrate homecoming week.
Clubs and organizations circled the school on floats showing their school spirit.
The homecoming court was also showcased in the parade.
Click here for more parade photos!
The homecoming football game will kickoff this Friday at 7:00PM at Rose Stadium where the Raiders will take on the Longview Lobos. Tickets are only sold online at . NO CASH SALES AT THE GATE. LEGACY WILL BE ON THE HOME SIDE.
We will have two dances this year on September 10th. The 9th grade dance will be from 6-8 PM and the 10-12th dance will be from 8:30-11:30. To purchase tickets students need to go to and will pick up a physical ticket the week of the dance. They will need to present the physical ticket and their ID at the door. Students who would like to bring a guest from outside of Legacy needs to come to A130 or A335 to pick up a guest form that they will need signed by their principal.