Moore MST MathCounts Advances to State Competition

Last Spring 4 students from Moore MST traveled to UT Tyler to compete in the East Texas Chapter MathCounts competition.  MathCounts is a national program that provides students the opportunity to compete in live, in-person math contests against and alongside their peers.  Created in 1983, it is the longest running MathCounts program and is open to all sixth-, seventh-, and eighth- grade students.  At this yearโ€™s competition, Moore MST received several awards.  The Moore team consisting of Brady Filla, Austen Walls, Shloak Dalal, and Brandon Miles placed 1st overall against all the East Texas teams.  The team also took home two individual awards.  Brady Filla took home the 2nd place individual award and Austen Walls placed 2nd in the fast paced count down round.  The members of the team now advance to the state competition in Austin on March 28th.  Way to go Mustang Mathletes!