⌚Now is the time to set yourself a reminder. Magnet school applications open January 1! You can learn more about our four options at http://tylerisd.org/magnet πŸ—£οΈ Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School 🎭 Caldwell Arts Academy βš™οΈ Moore Middle School πŸŽ“ Early College High School
about 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
children running down a ramp
children dressed up performing on stage
boy and girl wearing safety goggles working on a science experiment
two men shaking hands at a graduation, both are wearing regalia
Congratulations to our December Teacher, Staff, & Students of the month!!!
about 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
December winners 2023
Congratulations to our November Teacher, Staff Member, & Students of the month for November! Be sure to check back in a couple of weeks to see our December winners! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTvo8ShqmVsQTA3S0quyffEpA5-MoUrNIOqI3Up7Wjvki_S4J1xwSBKrxkkTSjBXEXbOGBgv6P-URJF/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000&slide=id.g297ca9cadaf_0_0
about 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
November Winners
"Dads on Duty" - Calling all parents, guardians and friends. Moore will host our kickoff in the library on Thursday morning @ 7:30. We'll have coffee and light breakfast. Come and learn how to get plugged in on campus. We want you! Check-in at the front office.
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
Congratulations to our students, teacher, & staff member of the month for October! Click the link to view all of our winners from this year. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTvo8ShqmVsQTA3S0quyffEpA5-MoUrNIOqI3Up7Wjvki_S4J1xwSBKrxkkTSjBXEXbOGBgv6P-URJF/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000&slide=id.g15f9c12bef0_0_0
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
October winners
Current and Prospective Moore Students, https://www.tylerisd.org/o/mmstms/page/why-moore Join us tomorrow evening from 6:00-7:50 pm for Moore MST Night! Participate in hands-on sessions with your friends and family. A session list is linked here. Come and stay or come and go. We're looking forward to hosting you at our signature event.
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
🚨 8TH GRADE PARENTS 🚨 Tyler High School's AVID applications are NOW OPEN until November 18 at https://www.tylerisd.org/avid πŸŽ“ Don't miss the window to apply!
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
AVID Applications Now Open
🚨 6 & 7 GRADE PARENTS 🚨 Our AVID applications are NOW OPEN until November 18 at https://www.tylerisd.org/avid πŸŽ“ Don't miss the window to apply!
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
AVID applications now open
AVID applications are open from November 1 until November 18! For more information about AVID click the link! https://www.tylerisd.org/page/avid To apply for Tyler High's AVID program complete the Google form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZF_8cr_B3MY68RjJBlp1_BwBx_yKy_YtGocEmMnPFr5VxDw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
Tyler High AVID
AVID applications are open from November 1 until November 18! For more information about AVID click the link! https://www.tylerisd.org/page/avid To apply for our Moore AVID program complete the Google form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScScws80op3jNDjGFTGEDm5uSRTi4CmoCIC1cqHc_luAEciPQ/viewform
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
AVID Applications
From fake prescription pills to other illegal substances, fentanyl can be in any drug. This Fentanyl Awareness Month, let's shed light on the dangers of this deadly opioid. πŸ’‘Learn the facts. 🚫Say NO to non-prescribed pills. πŸ‘₯ Share this message to protect your loved ones. Learn more: https://www.tylerisd.org/fentanyl #FentanylAwarenessMonth #OnePillKills #SafeTylerISD
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
October Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month. One pill kills. Don't make a deadly decision.
A lot of great things happened in Mustang country this week and more to come next! Be sure to check out our latest newsletter! https://heyzine.com/flip-book/3de816b615.html
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
Calling all Moore Mustang families, teachers and staff! Let us know what you think! Fill out this important survey to help us know where to improve and also to help enhance our family-school partnerships. English Link: https://forms.gle/dUAgeY3dHQE1ogC49 Spanish Link: https://forms.gle/Y264fuGZSki9iyLbA
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
PTA Survey
Be sure to check out this weeks newsletter for upcoming events and information for Red Ribbon Week. https://heyzine.com/flip-book/dc8e67911f.html#page/16
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
Fentanyl is odorless, tasteless, and used to make fake prescription pills disguised as Oxycontin, Percocet, Adderall, and Xanax. Just one pill can contain a lethal amount and cause deadly accidental poisoning. 🚫Say NO to suspicious pills. Learn more: https://www.tylerisd.org/fentanyl #FentanylAwarenessMonth #OnePillKills #SafeTylerISD
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
October Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month. One pill kills. Don't make a deadly decision.
Parents, families, and educators, we must educate kids on the risks of fake prescription pills. Many may not be aware these pills are laced with fentanyl, a powerful opioid that can be deadly in small amounts. Awareness saves lives. Learn more: https://www.tylerisd.org/fentanyl #FentanylAwarenessMonth #OnePillKills #SafeTylerISD
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
October Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month. One pill kills. Don't make a deadly decision.
October is Fentanyl Awareness Month. Let's come together to raise awareness about the dangers of counterfeit pills laced with this deadly opioid. Accidental fentanyl poisoning has led to countless tragedies. Get the facts: https://txopioidresponse.org/fentanyl Together, we can save lives. #FentanylAwarenessMonth #OnePillKills #SafeTylerISD
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
October Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month. One pill kills. Don't make a deadly decision.
Congratulations to our September teacher and students of the month!!!
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
September winners
Don't forget to join the Moore PTA by the end of TODAY so that your child will receive 3 free dress days and 50 Live School points in October. https://www.mooremustangspta.com/join-pta Next week is Homecoming Week! See the newsletter for details. www.smore.com/r1egd
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
Homecoming Spirit Week OCTOBER 2 - 6
over 1 year ago, Moore Middle School
Homecoming Spirit Week Oct. 2-4