In a heartwarming display of school spirit, Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class emerged victorious in this year's annual Owens PTA Read-A-Thon fundraiser. Their astounding fundraising efforts, which raised a remarkable $1,950, earned them the unique privilege to pie the principal, Mr. Davis.
The Read-A-Thon, a cherished tradition at Owens, encourages students to embrace the joys of reading while raising funds for their school. Mrs. Smith's class took this mission to heart, leaving no page unturned as they collectively read books and reached out to friends and family to secure donations.
The highlight of their achievement, however, was when they delivered a whipped-cream pie to their principal, Mr. Davis. Laughter echoed through the courtyard as Mr. Davis, a good sport, took a pie to the face with a smile.
But the festivities won't end there. The Tyler ISD Literacy bus, a symbol of the district's commitment to nurturing young readers, will also be arriving at the school to celebrate the triumph. Each student in Mrs. Smith's class will be treated to a free book, further fueling their love for reading.
This heartwarming event showcased the power of literacy and community support, uniting students, parents, and educators in the name of a good cause. Mrs. Smith's class's enthusiasm for learning and fundraising success is a testament to the dedicated educators and involved parents at Owens Elementary. The tradition of the Read-A-Thon continues to inspire a love of reading and camaraderie, enriching the lives of students and educators alike.
Overall, Owens students raised $25,777.03, which will go towards back to the school. Students read a whopping 163,583 minutes, totaling 2,726 hours! The top readers from each grade level and students who read more than 1,000 minutes will also get to visit the Tyler ISD Literacy Bus!