Owens Elementary is thrilled to announce the arrival of a new furry friend, Copper, a charming Holland Lop bunny, who has made his home in the school library. Copper's new enclosure, a custom-built masterpiece, was generously crafted and donated by Knot Wood Art, thanks to the skilled hands of local builder Jeremy Sherrow. This beautifully designed space ensures Copper will be comfortable while engaging students in a unique and delightful way.
The project was made possible through the support and generosity of several community members and local businesses. Donations were received from The Sherrow Family, Cassidy Jones of Tyler, Tractor Supply Stores #469 and #1861, Blakeney Hardware, and A&I Designs. Their contributions helped bring this special project to life, reflecting the communityβs commitment to supporting education and creating a welcoming environment for learning and exploration.
Copper himself was lovingly donated by Tamara Myers, a Longview hairstylist and aunt to a 1st grade student at Owens, who saw the opportunity to bring joy and comfort to the students at Owens Elementary. With Copper as a new, fluffy addition to the library, students can look forward to cuddly reading sessions and the calming presence of their new Holland Lop friend, making the library an even more inviting space.