Start with hello september 20th through September 24th #StartWithHelloTylerISD

Tyler ISD is focusing on creating CLOSER, more CONNECTED and INCLUSIVEclassrooms and schools.

Start with Hello Week is the kickoff to teaching students the skills they need to create a culture of inclusion, and connectedness while encouraging them to reach out to and include others.

Monday, September 20-

Hello- H is for Hi's and Happy Greetings to everyone! 

Greet everyone with a β€œHi”, snappy salute, bold curtsy or other happy greeting.

ALOHA theme - Wear Hawaiian shirts or leis.

Tuesday, September 21-

hEllo- E is for Encourage everyone!

Give others compliments. 

Wear a shirt with an encouraging message. 

Wednesday, September 22-

heLlo- L is for Learn the names of others! KINDNESS

Ask people that you do not know their names today! Encourage the importance of Kindness. 

Wear a nametag.

Thursday, September 23-

helLo- L is for Look for ways to help! 

Sit with a new person at lunch, help someone in class, make a new friend!

Wear glasses or sunglasses.

Friday, September 24-

hellO- O is for Own it! Make it your job!

Celebrate togetherness, connectedness, and inclusiveness.

Wear Ramey Gear or our school colors (green/gold).