Kids with oil and water at a table in costumes, smiling at the camera
Bookjoy is in the air on bright background with captain underpants cartoon flying towards the viewer
Students at table with markers and stamps
screenshot of a cell phone with National Alert - this is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.
baskets of stamped apples on paper
Caucasian man wearing a white button down shirt sits behind a microphone
Hooray 1st Day. Welcome Back. yard sign
5 consecutive years District of Distinction TAEA Texas Art Education Association
group of men and women stand in front of gas station holding a giant check for $10k
elementary age kids looking into a bug house
Dr. Marty Crawford in front of a microphone
African American woman wearing orange shirt with black vest over it
teacher of the year
TOP Teacher Program
Spring Break March 13th through 17th, Early Release on Friday, March 10th
Volunteer readers and their books
February 2023 Ram Report
Hispanic elementary age girl with dark hair wearing a blue shirt and gray sweatshirt
Lets Celebrate with confetti around it
Important Information for Class Christmas Parties