Start With Hello Week

We are celebrating #StartWithHelloWeek to build a culture of inclusivity and empathy!

Monday - H - Meet & Greet Monday

*Hola Day! Everyone wears a NAMETAG

*Introduction to the Hello Week Initiative

*Greet everyone with a Hi message on the β€˜START WITH HELLO’'

Tuesday - E - Thoughtful Tuesday

*Wear a t-shirt with an encouraging message

*Share a SMILE with everyone!

*Give and receive compliments all day

Wednesday - L - Wear Green Wednesday

*Everyone wears green to show unity

Thursday - L - Trusted Adult Thursday

*Students are encouraged to write an encouraging message to a trusted adult at school

Friday - O - Familia Day (Make it your job to smile and be friendly and maker everyone feel like they belong in your classroom family)

TJ Austin Lobos Familia day – Wear your TJ Austin spirit gear or school colors

*Make it your job to be the nice kid:

  • The friendly kid

  • The helpful kid

  • The encouraging kid

  • The positive LEADER others want to follow