
We will kick off our school fundraiser. Students who participate will be provided a kit that has assorted candy bars and cookies for $2 each. Students that sell a total of 3 kits or siblings who sell 5 kits will get to participate in the Monster Party Limo Experience. The kick-off to the fundraiser will be February 5.

When: Kickoff February 5-25

What: Assorted box of candy bars and cookies for $2 each

How: A form will be sent home to parents to sign for students to participate on February 5.  If siblings participate they will need to sign the same form with all the siblings' names. When the form is returned students will receive their kits.


1. Students who sell 3 kits (siblings who sell 5 kits) or more will be able to join the Monster Party      Limo Experience.

2. Top grade level will receive a party!
