Is it great minds think alike, or dress alike? πŸ€”
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
Great job 7th B on the win over Hubbard 20-0! Keep it up 🐊 πŸ’œ
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
7th football
In AVID, we build academic bridges through collaborative activities. πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ˜
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
Girls completing a graphic organizer
Has your student lost anything? We have a bustling lost and found! Find one of our Gator Ambassadors tonight at Open House and they’ll show you where to go 🐊
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
students pointing to lost and found
Stop! Collaborate and listen. 🎢🐊 8th graders worked together to organize information and problem solve during Periodic Table Stations in science!
boys completing station activities
kids working together
boys working together
boys collaborating
Great game 7th grade gators! Great win over Hubbard 20-0. Keep it up!! πŸŠπŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’›
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
football player
football game
These guys really showed off their engineering design skills to make and present their models of Atoms for 8th grade Honors Science!
boy holding model of atom
boy holding model of atom
boy holding model of atom
boy holding model of atom
🏫 We look forward to seeing all of our Gators and their families tomorrow for our Open House! πŸ’› πŸ’œ πŸ’š
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
open house notice
Math Station Monday with Mr Groves 6th Grade ClassπŸ’œπŸŠπŸ’š
over 2 years ago, Alizabeth Autrey
students doing math stations
students doing math stations
students doing math stations
It’s a beautiful day to let our Gators read outside! 🐊
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
students reading outside
Congratulations to the girls cross country team for placing first at the Hallsville meet this weekend. Way to go Gators 🐊!
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
Girls after the meet Saturday.
SCIENCE it’s like MAGIC but REAL! Mrs.Thompson’s 6th Grade Science Lab
over 2 years ago, Alizabeth Autrey
students science  lab
students science  lab
students science  lab
students science  lab
Anything is popsicle when you’re the bomb in Ms. Collin’s class 🐊
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
students with popsicles as a reward
Who says social studies can’t be fun? Our Gators loved learning about mercantilism in Mrs. Constante’s class 🐊
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
social studies fun
social studies fun
social studies fun
social studies fun
Beginners` Orchestra developing a very strong technique foundation with a beautiful tone! 🎻🐊
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
beginner orchestra
beginner orchestra
Congratulations to these Gators for being selected as Athletes of the Week! They displayed characteristics of leadership, sportsmanship, and integrity. Keep up the good work Gators 🐊🏈🏐!
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
Positive Athletes of the Week
Positive Athletes of the Week
Our 8th graders are having fun in their speech communication stations!
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
Our 8th graders are having fun in their speech communication stations!
Our 8th graders are having fun in their speech communication stations!
Our 8th graders are having fun in their speech communication stations!
Our 8th graders are having fun in their speech communication stations!
Congratulations Three Lakes 7th grade A-team on your first win! 🐊🏐
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
Three Lakes MS 7th grade A-Team
Gators ❀️ learning new things. It’s scientifically proven that we retain more knowledge by doing. We’re proud to do it BIG at the swamp🐊! #atomicmodel #AVID #science
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School
student showing her model of an atom
First Three Lakes volleyball game! 🐊🏐 Let’s beat the Nacogdoches Dragons! πŸ‰
over 2 years ago, Three Lakes Middle School