African American girl sitting at a table

Tyler High School senior athlete Dy’Niste Lacy signed a letter of intent to play softball at the collegiate level today. The signing ceremony took place in the gymnasium before the athlete’s family, coaches, classmates, and teammates.

African American teen girl sits at table and signs letter to play college softball

Dy’Niste Lacy, Softball – Wiley University
Career Stats:

Four-year varsity starter
Tyler Morning Telegraph Hitter of the Week award
All-District Honorable Mention

Tyler High Coaches Jenkins, Coleman, and Hicks:  "We collectively wish Dy’Niste a future of success in the classroom, on the field, and in life as she moves forward from Tyler High and starts her next adventures at Wiley.”

African American teen girl signing letter at table surrounded by her family

For more information on this Hometown District Athlete, contact Jennifer Hines at