Please consider joining our Tyler High School PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization) We would like for 100% of our staff to be members. Our PTSO is in its infancy having not been organized for several years until last March. Those of you who joined last March (Thank you) Your membership is good for this year. Membership is $10 for an individual or $25 for a family. All proceeds will go back to support Tyler High School Teachers. It makes a strong statement to our parents and to this community to have an active healthy PTA. Their first project is a partnership with Marvin Methodist to provide all teachers staying late for Open House with a free boxed dinner to be served after school. This one meal would almost pay you back for joining. So I hope you will see the benefits and the needed partnership and join today on pay day.
Below are three different payment options:
1) Pay through PayPal -
2) Visit our Website
3) Search by email on PayPal