5 consecutive years District of Distinction TAEA Texas Art Education Association
Poster with blue lion logo
group of adults standing in front of a WWII airplane
Hispanic woman with long dark hair wearing a blue blouse
African American man wearing a blue sport jacket and white shirt
Group of cheerleaders posing with ribbons and awards
elementary age kids looking into a bug house
Blue Lion on Brown wall
Dr. Marty Crawford in front of a microphone
two men holding plates of pizza
Three teachers at a table
graduation ceremony - people in stands and on stage, all in black and white
two African American teen boys with Caucasian man standing in between them
group of men and women lined up in front of school
watercolor paint with text Thank You Teachers
African American women and men sitting behind a table with blue tablecloth
black graduation cap
black sign with purple letters
African American high school girl wearing red and black shirt stands in a hallway