elementary age students playing instruments and signing
African American woman wearing bulky necklace smiles at the camera with a microphone showing in the foreground
caucasian man in blazer, woman in striped dress holding a plaque and woman in white dress all smiling at the camera
students and adults wearing grass skirts holding red and white parachute with their hands
Signing Day for Tyler Legacy High School Athlete
woman wearing gray scrubs sits in front of table with microphone on it smiling at the camera
Tyler Legacy football team smiling for camera
Discovery Education. Tyler ISD Successful Student Outcomes. Trane Technologies
Coach Arden
young boy sits on tile floor smiling at camera
school board meeting
Tyler Legacy southern belles posing for camera
man with short, spiky blond/brown hair wearing white button down shirt sits behind a table with microphone in front of him. He is smiling
Sarah Cureton
School board workshop
Hogg Middle School
Leadership Announcement
two females wearing Army camo stand in front of small elementary children that have swimming rings around their waists. They are waiting to start an obstacle course
school board meeting
Leadership Announcement