Happy Assistant Principals Week to our amazing AP, Ms. Wild! Thank you for all you do for our students, staff, parents, and community! #CougarStrong
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
assistant principal if you think my hands are full you should see my heart
Stacy wild assistant principal at Clarkston elementary school
Parents and Guardians! Enrollment is NOW OPEN for the 2022-2023 school year! Visit www.tylerisd.org/enroll to get started. #CougarStrong
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
Parents and Guardians! Enrollment is NOW OPEN for the 2022-2023 school year! Visit www.tylerisd.org/enroll to get started.
Family members want to give money for your child to attend the book fair, but don't have cash? No problem! Set up an e-wallet and send them the link. They can add funds, and we track everything for your student at the register. No paper print out needed! Visit our book fair homepage to get started. bit.ly/CESFairApr2022 #CougarStrong #TylerISDlibraries
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
set up your e-wallet now
All Pro Dad End of the Year Pizza & Basketball Thursday, April 14th 7:00-8:30 PM
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
end of the year pizza and basketball all pro dad gathering
Mrs. Craft got in on the March Madness game day last week with her 3rd Grade classes. Her students engaged with rigorous passages about the history of March Madness. #CougarStrong #DYJ #L3 🐾 πŸ€ πŸ“š
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
3rd grade students playing March madness games while working on reading passages in their reading language arts class
3rd grade students playing March madness games while working on reading passages in their reading language arts class
3rd grade students playing March madness games while working on reading passages in their reading language arts class
3rd grade students playing March madness games while working on reading passages in their reading language arts class
Don't forget about the STAARY Night Preview Night happening TOMORROW NIGHT from 5:30-7:00 PM. Kona Ice will be available for purchase and childcare will be provided. Stop by the book fair and shop with your family to earn an entry into our gift basket drawing. #CougarStrong
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
a starry night test preview parent night
gift basket drawing
Here are some action shots πŸ“Έ from 3rd Grade's March Madness game day! #CougarStrong #L3 #DYJ πŸš€πŸΎπŸ§ πŸ€
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
march madness review game day in 3rd grade
march madness review game day in 3rd grade
march madness review game day in 3rd grade
march madness review game day in 3rd grade
3rd Grade completed a March Madness review! #CougarStrong #DYJ #L3 πŸš€πŸΎπŸ§ 
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
3rd grade march madness test review
3rd grade march madness test review
It’s National School Librarian Day! Miss Coleman and Mrs. Smith work hard to make the library media center a fun, welcoming place to be. #CougarStrong #TylerISDlibraries πŸ“šπŸΎπŸ“•
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
mrs. smith, media technology specialist
miss coleman, media technology assistant
Don't forget tomorrow is A STAARY Night! Join us for a 3rd-5th grade STAAR test preview night. Wear your pajamas, see what the STAAR test will look like for your child, and learn how you can support them. The book fair will also be open for shopping! Your child will earn an extra entry into our book fair gift basket drawing for coming!
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
clarkston elementary presents a starry night
gift basket drawing
It’s National School Librarian Day! Students, what do you love about your Tyler ISD Library or librarian? We would love to hear about the wonderful things happening in our libraries. Tag us at #TylerISDlibraries
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
It’s National School Librarian Day! Students, what do you love about your Tyler ISD Library or librarian? We would love to hear about the wonderful things happening in our libraries. Tag us at #TylerISDLibraries
WE ARE READY! We can't wait to see everyone! #CougarStrong #TylerISDlibraries πŸΎπŸ“šbit.ly/CESFairApr2022
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
spring scholastic book fair at the clarkston library media center
spring scholastic book fair at the clarkston library media center
spring scholastic book fair at the clarkston library media center
spring scholastic book fair at the clarkston library media center
National Library Week is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening our communities. #TylerISDlibraries #NLW2022 #CougarStrong πŸΎπŸ“šπŸ§ πŸ“•
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
national library week april 3-9, 2022
The book fair starts TOMORROW! Don't have cash on you? No problem. Visit our book fair homepage to set up and e-wallet AKA Easy Wallet for your child! We track everything at the register for you! bit.ly/CESFairApr2022 #CougarStrong #TylerISDlibraries
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
save the date for our book fair
gift basket drawing
Clarkston newsletter for the week of April 4 https://www.smore.com/7g8xw
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
Our goal is to put 375 books into the hands of our Clarkston Cougars! Visit our homepage to see our book fair dates, track our campus goal, and set up an e-wallet for your student! Our book fair begins Monday, April 4th! bit.ly/CESFairApr2022 #CougarStrong #TylerISDlibraries
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
books bring us friends
Congratulations to our Support Staff of the Month for April, Crystal Fitts! #CougarStrong #L3 #DYJ
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
support staff of the month for april crystal fitts
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Month for April, Mrs. Karen Phillips! #CougarStrong #DYJ #L3
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
teacher of the month karen phillips
Enrollment is NOW OPEN for ALL GRADES! πŸ₯³ Get started now at tylerisd.org/enroll πŸ”—
almost 3 years ago, Tyler ISD
online enrollment now for all grade levels
Mrs. Glover's students were completing an escape the room activity in math class! They loved this engaging activity that required movement and teamwork. #CougarStrong #L3 #DYJπŸ§ πŸΎπŸš€
almost 3 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
students completing an escape the room activity in 4th grade math class
students completing an escape the room activity in 4th grade math class
students completing an escape the room activity in 4th grade math class
students completing an escape the room activity in 4th grade math class