CES appreciates its veterans! #cougarstrong #veteransday
over 4 years ago, Clarkston Elementary School
happy veterans day
AVID applications are now open! Visit tylerisd.org/applyavid for more info β€’ ONLINE Application Deadline: November 20, 2020 β€’ Virtual Interview Window: January 11 - January 22, 2021 β€’ Status Letters: Week of February 8, 2021 Questions? Contact your school counselor!
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Apply for AVID!
Download our NEW Tyler ISD App! It's everything Tyler ISD, in your pocket. 🍎 iPhone: https://apple.co/2FX6miK πŸ€– Android: https://bit.ly/2Gd6A5e
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
All our schools. In your pocket.
We’re thrilled to announce Tyler ISD’s new app! It’s everything Tyler ISD, in your pocket. Download the app on πŸ€– Android: https://bit.ly/2S0M76i 🍎 iPhone: https://apple.co/330eYhl #WeAreTylerISD πŸ› | #A2D
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
person holding a phone with Tyler ISD app
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Clarkston Elementary's, Tara Hinton. Here’s what the Cougars have to say about their principal. πŸ€— #ThankAPrincipal β€’ β€œI am thankful for our principal, Tara Hinton. She models strong leadership and promotes teamwork with a kind and caring spirit. She gives us words of encouragement every day!” β€’ ”I appreciate Mrs. Hinton’s no nonsense attitude and her kind heart.” β€’ β€œTara strives to build teacher capacity and leadership skills.” β€’ β€œI appreciate Mrs. Hinton for so many reasons. One of the reasons I appreciate her is because she is approachable and always willing to listen.” β€’ β€œMrs. Hinton never ceases to give the staff words of encouragement every day! She sets high expectations for staff and students and constantly pushes for us to grow as leaders. Tara is #AllIn and demonstrates the qualities of being #CougarStrong every day!”
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD