group of teenagers wearing red shirts gathered on stage
girl wearing jeans and a blue shirt  holding a certificate standing next to a man in a suit jacket and blue shirt
high school girl with long dark hair wearing glasses and a white sweatshirt
Tyler Legacy students with the Byrans Family
men standing in front of balloon arch holding giant checks from UT Tyler
Photo Collage of Legacy band student Mauro Rivera and the Texas All-State Symphonic Band
tables in a hallway decorated with pictures, trophies, balloons, and plaques
teen boy stands at front of classroom showing presentation on big screen
Your hometown school district celebrates Black History Month
Tyler Legacy High School's Rookie of the year, Sydni Blundell with Principal Sherman
Tyler Legacy High School's Teacher of the Year for 2023-2024, Jordan Mooney with students
woman and man holding giant check in elementary cafeteria with students at the tables
January Staff of the Month: Ms. Angie Harris
Tyler Legacy's January students of the month with their certificates
Taylor Henry posing at TISD's CTC
group photo of men and women in their police uniforms
CFA Leader Academy sponser, Kala Morrow, Winter Wonderland teacher winner, Ms. Koch, and CFA leader member Ava Greene
Tyler Legacy's December Teacher of the Month, Ms. Tibbetts
Legacy Students of the month pose with their certificates
Tyler Legacy High School table with football and jerseys on it