Orr Cub families and students! Our spirit gear link is now live from our amazing PTA! Check out the awesome designs that you can order for yourself and your student, then go to https://orr-elementary.square.site/ to place your order!
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
spirit tshirts cub nation orr elementary cubs
Check out our incredible 4th graders who participated in the Black History Living Museum for our campus this morning! Students researched an influential person from history and dressed up in costume to present about them! It was a wonderful morning!
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Black History Living Museum
Book Fair is in full swing here in the Orr library! Don't forget to stop by this week to shop - we have TWO $5 and under tables, new titles from popular series, and more! We can't wait to see you there! Tomorrow's parent event is our 1st grade "Breakfast with the Books" from 7:15-8:00. Come with your student, enjoy a donut in the STEAM lab, and shop the Book Fair!
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Book Fair
ETSO creates an exciting musical opportunity this Valentine's Day for all 4th & 5th grade Tyler ISD students with Carnegie Hall's LINK UP program at Tyler High School! What a great time! #VPAπŸ›οΈπŸŽΆπŸŽΌπŸŽ­πŸ©°
almost 2 years ago, Visual and Performing Arts
East Texas Symphony Orchestra Feb 14
ETSO creates an exciting musical opportunity this Valentine's Day for all 4th & 5th grade Tyler ISD students with Carnegie Hall's LINK UP program at Tyler High School! What a great time! #VPAπŸ›οΈπŸŽΆπŸŽΌπŸŽ­πŸ©°
almost 2 years ago, Visual and Performing Arts
East Texas Symphony Orchestra Feb 14
The Scholastic Book Fair is arriving on our campus today! Remember, you are invited to our parent events next week! We can't wait to see you there! Monday, February 20: Head Start and Kindergarten Breakfast with the Books in the STEAM Lab (donuts are provided) 7:15 - 8:00am Tuesday, February 21: 1st grade Breakfast with the Books in the STEAM Lab (donuts are provided) 7:15 - 8:00am Wednesday, February 22: 2nd grade Breakfast with the Books in the STEAM Lab (donuts are provided) 7:15 - 8:00am Thursday, February 23: 3rd grade Breakfast with the Books in the STEAM Lab (donuts are provided) 7:15 - 8:00am Friday, February 24: 4th and 5th grade Breakfast with the Books in the STEAM Lab (donuts are provided) 7:15 - 8:00am
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Book Fair Truck
TELPAS Season is upon us! Parents, if you would like more information about TELPAS testing, you are invited to attend Tyler High School's TELPAS Parent Night on February 13th from 5:30 - 6:30pm. Pizza and childcare will be provided.
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Join us for TELPAS Parent Night: an information session on  language development and the TELPAS state assessment. Pizza and childcare will be provided. February 13th from 5:30 - 6:30pm at Tyler High School 3535 Lion Lane.
Acompanenos a la noche familiar de telpas una sesion informativa sobre el desarrollo del lenguaje y la prueba estatal TELPAS. Se porporcionara pizza y cuidado de ninos 13 de febrero 5:30-6:30 escuela tyler high 3535 lion lane
Happy 100th day of school to our cubs! What better way to celebrate you being 100 DAYS smarter than a morning parade? We are so proud of each of our students and so grateful that you are part of our Orr family! #ExcellentEveryday
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
student in 100th day of school parade
student in 100th day of school parade
Orr cubs! Due to a 100% chance of heavy rain from 12 - 2pm today, Kona Ice has been rescheduled to February 2nd from 12:30 -2:30pm.
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Kona Ice: Rescheduled due to rain
Today our STEAM lab was visited by the Tyler ISD Foundation's Grant Patrol with wonderful news... our project is funded! The "STEAM Lab: Inspiring Cub Creators" grant will cover the purchase of new and exciting hands-on projects in the realm of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics! We will be able to purchase flexible seating and exciting new tools to use in the STEAM lab to enhance and support instruction. The students will also get the chance to explore real-world opportunities in multiple fields of study. We are so excited to develop this space as an integral part of our campus. Thank you, Tyler ISD Foundation!
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Grant Foundation Patrol with award check
Check out the incredible black-light art that our 2nd and 3rd grade cubs have created this week! We love seeing our cub artists shine! #ExcellentEveryday
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
students with art pieces
students with art pieces
students with art pieces
Our A/AB Honor Roll parade was a huge success this morning! Students, we are so proud of you and all the hard work you have done in the classroom for the last nine weeks! Way to be #ExcellentEveryday!
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Honor Roll students in parade
Honor Roll students in parade
Orr cubs, we hope your first day back was as awesome as it was for Mrs. Scott's first grade class when they were winning in their library Kahoot game! We are so excited for the semester ahead with each of you! #ExcellentEveryday
almost 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
students cheering
This week we donated 90 blankets to the Children’s Advocacy Center. Congratulations to 2nd grade, the winners of the drive with the most blankets donated!
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
students and blankets
Our fifth grade bilingual classes had the chance to show off their creativity in our Literary Food Truck Festival! Students designed and created food trucks inspired by a book that they've read this semester. They created menus, dining areas, and even small replicas of food! Great work, students! #ExcellentEveryday
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
food truck design
Food truck design
Our campus had a special visit from the Literacy Bus today! Students were able to tour the bus and learn about all that it offers. It was a great way to get excited about reading! #ExcellentEveryday
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Student Reading
Student Reading
Students touring the bus
Students Reading
Thank you to all the parents and families who came to support our students in the Christmas program this morning! It was a holly jolly start to the day! #ExcellentEveryday
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
children singing
children hula hooping
Our library has transformed into a winter wonderland with 126 gingerbread houses submitted to our showcase! We will be displaying the houses through Thursday and students can pick them up to go home on Friday! #ExcellentEveryday
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
gingerbread houses
​Parents and community members, you are invited to our Christmas program on December 13th from 8:30-9:00am in the Orr Cafeteria! You will be able to enjoy performances by Head Start, Kindergarten, and 5th grade students. Sign in at the front office to attend. Performance Attire: Kindergarten: Please wear a green t-shirt and jeans. ​5th grade: Please wear a red t-shirt and jeans.
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
Christmas Program December 13th 8:30-9:00am Orr Cafeteria
We are back in full swing for another week of the Twelve days of Christmas challenge! Today our staff was challenged to dress like a Christmas present, and we think that Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Torres nailed it! #ExcellentEveryday
about 2 years ago, Orr Elementary School
teacher in front of Christmas tree
teacher on steps