"Get ready to kick Tyler High Theatre's 2024-2025 season off with a bang! Join us October 31st - November 2nd as we follow Percy, Grover, and Annabeth in the search for The Lightning Thief. Tickets will go on sale soon, so be on the lookout and grab yours quickly! We can't wait to see everyone for an evening of laughter and adventure. This is a show that the whole family will love! Plan on bringing your littles in costume and joining us for a Percy Jackson "trick or treat" event after the show." #THSStudentMade
1 day ago, Tyler High School
Theatre flyer advertising the play the lightning thief
Congratulations Mr. Williamson for getting Teacher of the Week. #THSStudentMade
1 day ago, Tyler High School
girls with teacher of the week
Tyler High School the 23-24 Yearbook is here. If you have not picked yours up, please see Mrs. Hill at Tyler HS.
8 days ago, Tyler High School
picture of the  yearbook
Parents of Seniors!!!!!! Please attend the parent meeting on August 26th at 6:00 PM in the Dr. Martin L. Edwards Theatre at Tyler High School
13 days ago, Tyler High School
parent mtg notice
A heartfelt thank you to all the teachers for an amazing start to the school year! We appreciate your hard work in preparing to welcome your students tomorrow—from decorating classrooms to organizing lesson plans and making copies. Despite the busy preparations, we still found time to enjoy a fun-filled day of dance and games, creating lasting memories as a team here at Tyler High School. Wishing all the teachers, students, staff members, and administrators a fantastic year ahead!
17 days ago, Tyler High School
collage of images of teachers
Hawiian dressed woman showing candy
Collage of images of teachers doing line dances
Please join us Tue., Aug. 27 from 5-7 at Whataburger in support of the THS Blue Brigade Pep Squad. Show some Lion love to the Blue Brigade
17 days ago, Tyler High School
Sign about eating at Whataburger for Brigadettes
Huge thanks to Sonya Davis and the Tyus Bowser Foundation for sweetening the start of the 24-25 school year with donuts for our amazing teachers! 🍩📚 Your support fuels our passion for education!
22 days ago, Tyler High School
men and women eating donuts
Congratulations to these Tyler High students on receiving their Engineering 101 Endorsement! Way to go Lions! #THSStudentMade
3 months ago, Tyler High School
Students holding their certificates for engineering 101
Here's to the Tyler High School Class of 2024! 🦁🔵⚪️🎓
4 months ago, Tyler ISD
Tyler high school cap toss at graduation
Tyler High School PTA recognized Miss Jorean Douglas tonight for her achievement as a Reflections State Qualifier.
4 months ago, Tyler High School
Reflections State Qualifier
The Tyler High School Big Blue Band ended their award-winning 2023-2024 year tonight with their end of the year concert! Go Lions! 💙🎶🤍🎶💙
4 months ago, Tyler High School
Congratulations to the Lady Lions Softball team for a great season! Here are a few pictures from their Senior Night. #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
softball girls and family
softball team
softball player and family
softball player and family
softball player and family
softball player and family
Tyler High AVID 2 students visited LeTourneau University today. They enjoyed getting to learn about the school and play with all the machines the engineering department created. #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
students on tour
students playing a game
students on tour
students ontour
students on tour
students on tour
students playing a game
students on tour
students on tour
students in front of statue
Tyler High Students visited the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, Texas. Such an exciting destination for our students’ incentive reward. The museum offers a wide range of interactive exhibits and educational programs that explore the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Students had an opportunity to learn outside of the classroom from the Perot Museum, offering a hands-on approach to learning. Students engaged with exhibits that allow them to touch, explore, and interact with various scientific concepts from the T. Rex Boone Pickens Life Then and Now Hall, featuring dinosaur fossils and interactive displays, to the Being Human Hall, which explores the complexities of the human body and mind, there is something to captivate to all! Tyler High Students excelling!!💙💙💙💙
4 months ago, Tyler High School
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
Perot Museum
AVID 1 students were able to tour ETBU! The students enjoyed learning about one of our East Texas schools. #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
studetnys outside the dining hall at ETBU
students touring the Freshman dorm at ETBU
students viewing a statue of Jesus washing Pauls feet on the ETBU campus
students touring the student center at ETBU
students touring the honors hall on ETBU campus
students touring the ETBU library
students touring the beautiful campus at ETBU
students learning about the ETBU bookstore
students standinf in front of the ETBU gym
students touring the ETBU library
THS Student, Antonio Ruiz, was awarded a state medal at VASE at the 30th Annual Event. He competed against 33,127 Visual Art entries and only 2, 342 were awarded state qualifiers. 1418 of those received a state rating of 4. Ruiz traveled with other state qualifiers to San Marcos for a weekend of ceremonies, workshops, viewing the other art pieces, and of course, spending money with the vendors. Congratualtions Antonio!!!!! #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
student holding his artwork
art drawing of a dinosaur
Another Sneak Peak of the yearbook! It is not too late to get a copy! ybpay.com ID Code 14334524 May7th cash payments during all lunches $42 Soft Cover $47 Hard Cover #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
yearbook page
yearbook page
THS Theatre students had an exciting day learning how to fight in their plays today during their "Fighting Workshop." So much awesomeness happening at Tyler High School. #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
2 students learning to fight in a play
2 students learning to fight in a play
2 students fighting in a play
2 students learning to fight for a play
students learning how to fight for a play
students learning how to fight for a play
students learning how to fight for a play
students learning how to fight for a play
Students learning how to fight for a play
2 girls learning how to fight for a play
More Spring Show #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage
Congratulations on an amazing Spring Show to the Brigadettes! If you missed it you missed a great show! #THSStudentMade
4 months ago, Tyler High School
girls dancing on stage
girlsa dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girls dancing on stage
girl dancing on stage