elementary age students wearing orange shirts sitting at desks painting pictures
African American teenage girl wearing a black t-shirt and jeans smiling at the camera
young Hispanic female wearing white polo and navy shorts smiling at the camera
school board meeting
4 students waiting to sign
Mae Mae Ewing photo in front of brick wall
Brandy Holland
elementary aged male student hanging upside down on the monkey bars with his dark hair almost touching th eground
2022 Educator of the Year Banquet
bell hanging on wall with yellow background
high school students wearing red, white and blue ribbons with medals around their necks. two of them are holding plaques they earned for winning UIL contest
Tyler Legacy orchestra playing on stage
School Board Workshop
Tyler Legacy color guard girls pose with their grand champion trophy
high school band students on stage playing instruments
Vincent Bowie and Dr. Marty Crawford
African American male child smiling big at the camera
Julian Delgado, 5th grader from Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School
Dr. Lance Groppel
men and women standing in front of TASBO logo on wall, holding award