Calling all Sophomore Owls! We will be having an EOC English review session tomorrow, Saturday April 13th at ECHS from 10am to noon in the cafeteria with Mrs. Baucom to get ready for our EOC next week. Please come join us! Snacks will be provided and each student who attends will receive a Drop Your Lowest Daily Grade Ticket! See you then!

We are short staffed today due to illness and Grad Walks. NO OUTSIDE FOOD ORDERS ALLOWED AT ALL. Any that arrive will not be permitted. Please plan accordingly. Staff spread the message with students pls.

Congrats to our TOY Lisa Ellis for representing us so well this year!

Fun times yesterday!

Join in the fun!

Join us in this worthy humanitarian effort!

Memories from today's spectacular event!

Don't forget to wear "blackout" for the once in a life time eclipse tomorrow!

If you are at ECHS Monday, feel free to bring a lawn chair or blanket for viewing the eclipse! We will pass out glasses at the 100 hall doorway closest to the gym right after B lunch (12:35).

Please save these important dates and schedule other necessary appointments around these testing days. Also, remember to sleep well, eat well, and bring your charged device on testing days!

The day is fast approaching! Mark your calendars!

Hey Owls! Don't forget to wear all black next Monday as we celebrate the solar eclipse here at ECHS. We will be watching the eclipse outside (with our safety glasses of course!) as it occurs. Let's all participate in this once in a lifetime event! Those with TJC classes, will need to go to TJC and enjoy the festivities provided there.

Save the date! Our ribbon cutting ceremony and Open House for our new campus will be May 9th! Please come join us in celebrating this wonderful event!

Congrats to Mrs. Tucker, district teacher of the year!

Day 1 of Dean's Week celebrating our very own Mr. Haas!

M/W TJC students must find transportation to TJC today!

Winners of the Owl Painting Contest:
Top Overall - Baucom #2
Most Creative - Miranda #3
Most Expressive - Baucom #2
Most disappointed - Hortman #5 :)

Congratulations again to the following ECHS Owls for being inducted into TJC's Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society! Allie Allen, Miunna Davis, Irving Degollado Elizalde, Catie Espiricueta, Ray Gibson, Juanita Hernandez, Lezlie Ibarra, Ashley Johnson, Waylon Kelm, Korben Leach, Destinie Loya, Aiden Marchky, and Leely Nguyen Way to go Owls! #WatchUsSoar

ECHS Family,
As I'm sure you already know, Tyler will experience a full eclipse on Monday, April 8 and TISD as well as TJC will hold classes. For students at ECHS, we will have a viewing session /celebration from 1 PM - 2:15 PM with photo opportunities, free glasses and snacks provided by Student Government and NHS. Students will miss 3rd period for the celebration and return to 4th period, business as usual, no early release. Students at TJC will need to find their own transportation and may participate in the many festivities that TJC is providing. If a student cannot make it to TJC on their own, they may come to ECHS and remain in the cafe until the celebration, but they may miss their TJC classes, which isn't optimal. Please email amanda.hortman@tylerisd.org with questions or concerns.