All 9th graders: Just a reminder to have your chrome books charged and ready to go for tomorrow's English 1 field test. The test is at most 13 questions long including one extended constructed-response question. This test shouldn't take more than 2 hours and we will resume our regular classes with 6th period. We will begin the test no later than 8:30 am. Please come prepared and check the testing room assignments posted on campus by the breezeway, 200 hall, 300 hall, & cafeteria.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Just another extraordinary Friday in the Nest!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Congrats to Ruben Ramirez on being awarded this amazing Baylor scholarship! Owls and Bears get along just fine!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Caldwell mentors who are are Juniors may go to Caldwell tomorrow but morning Seniors cannot as they must be at ECHS to hear Dr. Mejia. Afternoon Seniors may go to Caldwell.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Seniors and Senior parents, ECHS will hold a FAFSA night at ECHS Feb 7, 2024 (next Wednesday). We will do our best to explain the process surrounding Senior's next steps after graduation as far as financial aide is concerned and to assist with the online portion. We hope to see all Seniors and their parents who have not already applied for FAFSA there!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Today or tomorrow your student should be bringing home an opt out form. This only needs to be returned by February 5th if you choose for your student to not participate in responding to 2 surveys about their teachers chosen randomly.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Survey opt out English page 1
Survey opt out English page 2
Survey opt out Spanish page 1
Survey opt out Spanish page 2
Calling all Senior Owls! The deadline to apply for the Smith County Area Go Texan Scholarship is fast approaching! You need to apply by February 16th to be considered for this great opportunity! Click on the link below for more information and the application. #WatchUsSoar
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Smith Co.
Hey Owls! If you are needing to connect to the TJC VDI for a college class and are finding you need a MacBook, use the link below to learn how to upload VDI straight to your chromebook. Now you won't have to worry about waiting for an available MacBook!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Hey Owl Family! It's getting chilly out there! Our Booster Club is gathering warm drinks for our teaching staff. Please help keep our teachers warm by donating coffee and supplies for the teachers lounge. It can be grounds, packets or k-cups. Any flavor, any brand works. Flavored creamers, hot cocoa, and apple cider are much appreciated as well. Thanks for helping show them we appreciate & love them!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Booster Club
The junior student of the month is Daniel Tierrablanca. His teachers say he has worked extremely hard and made excellent grades at TJC. This next semester he will be taking classes on his non-TJC days to complete an upper level Math course. Great attitude. So willing to help others. Congratulations Daniel!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
please join us in celebrating our so very deserving Teacher of the Year, Ms. Lisa Ellis!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
ellis toy
Hey Owls! Looking for another great scholarship opportunity? The Texas Leadership Scholars Program is now accepting applications until February 15th. For more information, click on the link below!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS, due to a faculty meeting today, there are no tutorials nor clubs. Please be off campus by 4 PM or as close to that as possible. Students should wait to be picked up in front or in the cafe. Thanks for your understanding.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Hey Owls! We know it can get stressful this time of year; exams, work, family - it all seems to pile up. It can be even more stressful when you add in bullying as a factor. Know that we care and we are here for you! Tyler ISD has an app that you can download that makes it completely safe and anonymous for you to speak up! Click on the link below for more information.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Stop Bullying
Just another Owlsome Friday!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Guess whooooo is rocking the house at UIL today? Owls took 1st in current events, Ashley Stone 1st individually and Ruben Ramirez 3rd. Our Number Sense team received 2nd place and it's not over yet!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
number sense
Today is a normal 1-8th period Friday. Gina's food truck and Booster Club pizza and snacks will be available as well as outside food orders that arrive on time.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Hey Senior Owls! Looking for another great scholarship opportunity? This one has a grand prize of $5000! Click on the link below to check out all the details from Christus Trinity Mother Francis. #WatchUsSoar
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS logo
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Attention all Owls looking to go to Texas A&M! Saturday, February 10th they will be hosting an open house for all high school students interested in attending TAMU! The event is free to all interested. Please click on the link below to register for this exciting opportunity! #WatchUsSoar #GigEm
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
A&M Reveille