Attention all Owls looking to go to Texas A&M! Saturday, February 10th they will be hosting an open house for all high school students interested in attending TAMU! The event is free to all interested. Please click on the link below to register for this exciting opportunity! #WatchUsSoar #GigEm
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
A&M Reveille
Both TISD and TJC are closed due to inclement weather tomorrow, Jan. 16
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Class of 2024 Owls! February 1st will be the final deadline to guarantee orders on senior products INCLUDING cap and gown orders by graduation. After Feb. 1st, we will not be able to guarantee they will be in on time. Click on the link below to order. All orders will be shipped directly to your home address.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
graduating owl
A few days late, but no less love for our Officer Clayborne! His care for our safety and well being goes above and beyond.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
officer appreciation
We love our kids and they love us!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Normal 1-8 tomorrow. Booster Club will be selling pizza and snacks. No Caldwell yet, but most Sophomores will be going to the C4 conference, so dress appropriately.
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
In honor of MLK Day of Service, the National Charity League Tyler Chapter is holding a book drive all January for the Tyler ISD Literacy Bus. πŸ“š πŸ“¦ (Pre-K through 6th-grade requested) Use this Amazon Shopping List to send books directly to the Literacy Bus! πŸ”—
about 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
Book Drive for Tyler ISD Literacy Bus
If you/your student has not ordered their cap and gown from Balfour, the time is now! Please do so THIS week in order to assure that you/your student can participate in all of the events requiring a cap and gown like Grad Walks and GRADUATION! Get excited, and get your gear please! Order here:
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Calling all Owls interested in Pre-Law! Registration is now open for the Pre-Law Academy for high school students who are currently sophomores, juniors, or seniors. The academy will take place this summer at Stephen F. Austin University. For more information, click the link below!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Day 2 of ECHS recruitment. Owls learn important presentation skills while providing Gators with information on a possible great fit for them!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Don't forget tomorrow is College Colors Day, sponsored by AVID! πŸŽ“πŸ”΅πŸŸ’πŸ”΄πŸŸ£πŸŽ“
about 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
Graphic of graduation hat with paint splatter in the background with the words "wear your college colors"
Hey Owls! 10th, 11th, and 12th graders can earn scholarships just by completing steps on College Board. We have had students get the $500 scholarship in the past. Use the link below to apply! #WatchUsSoar
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
College Board Scholarship
ECHS recruitment began today at Three Lakes MS! Where else do high schoolers willingly go back to middle school to tell about their high school and why it may be a great option for others? #ECHSproud #loveourkids #wefeedourkidsoften
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
tlms recruitment
We are excited to see our owls this week! No clubs or tutorials this week as we adjust back into school life. All students off campus by 4 please. Thank you and HNY!
about 1 year ago, Early College High School
Tomorrow at ECHS Friday, December 15th -Advisory 8-8:30 -Assembly in Gym 8:35-9:00 -Volleyball Games 9:00-11:00 -Lunch 11:00-11:35 No Outside Orders -Buses Depart ECHS @ 11:35 Have a safe and wonderful break! See students back January 3rd!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
12/15/23 ECHS Schedule
⌚Now is the time to set yourself a reminder. Magnet school applications open January 1! You can learn more about our four options at πŸ—£οΈ Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School 🎭 Caldwell Arts Academy βš™οΈ Moore Middle School πŸŽ“ Early College High School
over 1 year ago, Tyler ISD
children running down a ramp
children dressed up performing on stage
boy and girl wearing safety goggles working on a science experiment
two men shaking hands at a graduation, both are wearing regalia
ECHS families, Tomorrow is a mandatory day here at ECHS. Students must at least come to check in or they will be counted as having an unexcused absence. Hopefully they will stay for our annual Volleyball Tournament and Awards Assembly as well. Lunch is at 11 and the buses leave at 11:35, which is also when all students need to be off campus. One more half day guys! We've got this!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Congrats to all of our Gingerbread House Contest Winners this year!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
3rd place
gingerbread line up
Finals tomorrow at ECHS Thursday, December 14th HS Finals: -Advisory 8-8:50 -5th period 8:55-10:45 -Advisory 10:55-12:00 (Make Up Finals) -Lunch 12:00-12:45 No Outside Orders -Buses Depart ECHS @ 12:45 TJC 10th grade math students have their Final at TJC from 8:35-10:25 (bus will bring students back to ECHS that day at 10:40) TJC Finals for TR 11th & 12th graders: -8:35 class final time is 8:35-10:25 -11:45 class final time is 11:45-1:35 -2:55 class final time is 2:55-4:45 Buses will not be running in the afternoon from TJC. TJC bus leaves TJC for ECHS at 10:40 & buses leave ECHS for dismissal at 12:45. There are NO buses running at 3:45 PM Thursday, or Friday this week.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS Finals info & schedule 12/14/23
Finals tomorrow at ECHS Wednesday, December 13th HS Finals: -Advisory 8-8:50 -1st period 8:55-10:45 -Advisory 10:55-12:00 (Make Up Finals) -Lunch 12:00-12:45 No Outside Orders -Buses Depart ECHS @ 12:45 TJC 10th grade math students have their Final at TJC from 8:35-10:25 (bus will bring students back to ECHS that day at 10:40) TJC Finals for MW 11th & 12th graders: -8:35 class final time is 8:35-10:25 -11:45 class final time is 11:45-1:35 -2:55 class final time is 2:55-4:45 Buses will not be running in the afternoon from TJC. TJC bus leaves TJC for ECHS at 10:40 & buses leave ECHS for dismissal at 12:45. There are NO buses running at 3:45 PM Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday this week.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School