Finals tomorrow at ECHS Wednesday, December 13th
HS Finals:
-Advisory 8-8:50
-1st period 8:55-10:45
-Advisory 10:55-12:00 (Make Up Finals)
-Lunch 12:00-12:45 No Outside Orders
-Buses Depart ECHS @ 12:45
TJC 10th grade math students have their Final at TJC from 8:35-10:25 (bus will bring students back to ECHS that day at 10:40)
TJC Finals for MW 11th & 12th graders:
-8:35 class final time is 8:35-10:25
-11:45 class final time is 11:45-1:35
-2:55 class final time is 2:55-4:45
Buses will not be running in the afternoon from TJC.
TJC bus leaves TJC for ECHS at 10:40 & buses leave ECHS for dismissal at 12:45.
There are NO buses running at 3:45 PM Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday this week.

NHS sponsored the Teddy Bear Drive for the Childrenβs Advocate Center. ECHS students brought new stuffed animals for the children who are served by the CAC of Smith County. We collected over 80 stuffed animals!

Finals tomorrow at ECHS Tuesday, December 12th
HS Finals:
-Advisory 8-8:25
-6th period 8:30-10:20
-7th period 10:30-12:20
-Lunch 12:25-1:20 No Outside Orders
-8th period 1:30-3:20
-Advisory 3:25-3:45 Dismissal as normal
TJC 10th grade math students do not go to TJC until their Final at TJC on Thursday 8:35-10:25 (bus will bring students back to ECHS that day at 10:40)
TJC Finals for TT 11th & 12th graders:
-10:10 class final time is 10:10-12:00
-1:20 class final time is 1:20-3:10
-8:35, 11:45, & 2:55 class finals are on Thursday
Busses will run at normal times for arrival and dismissal on Monday and Tuesday.

ECHS Annual Gingerbread House Competition is off! Make sure to vote!

Finals tomorrow at ECHS
HS Finals:
-Advisory 8-8:25
-2nd period 8:30-10:20
-3rd period 10:30-12:20
-Lunch 12:25-1:20 No Outside Orders
-4th period 1:30-3:20
-Advisory 3:25-3:45 Dismissal as normal
TJC 10th grade math students do not go to TJC until their Final at TJC on Wednesday 8:35-10:25 (bus will bring students back to ECHS that day at 10:40)
TJC Finals for MW 11th & 12th graders:
-10:10 class final time is 10:10-12:00
-1:20 class final time is 1:20-3:10
-8:35, 11:45, & 2:55 class finals are on Wednesday
Busses will run at normal times for arrival and dismissal on Monday and Tuesday.

Lots of Christmas cheer yesterday at the NHS/Staff Secret Santa and at the staff Winter party!

A picture says it all sometimes and this is a picture of Thomas Zavala with his Caldwell friend! We love this partnership!

Hey Owls!
Tomorrow will be the LAST DAY to donate items for Hope Haven! Mrs. Baucom will be gone Friday, so if you want to donate self care products for girls displaced in the foster care system get your items turned in tomorrow! Items donated will earn you a NO HOMEWORK TICKET!

If you cannot see the text message images regarding next week's schedule; please check your emails and social media!

Note there are 2 pictures to accommodate both TJC days

Please retain and use next week on Wednesday:

NEXT Tuesday:

Read and keep for your understanding next week please! Here is Monday's schedule.

Apologies for the late notice, but Sources of Strength is cancelled for today.

Please refrain from parking in gym parking lot due to Blood Drive today!

ECHS will have no clubs or tutorials today due to a staff meeting. All students need to leave campus at 3:45. Thank you

PALs cancelled tomorrow. there will be no more PALs until next semester. Everyone needs to stay in advisory. Thanks

Friday, Dec 8, 2023
Regular Friday Schedule
Final Exemption forms:
-This is the deadline to be signed by Mrs. Hortman OR Mr. Haas
-Students can email Mrs. Hortman if they need her to sign (amanda.hortman@tylerisd.org)
-Students can find Mr. Haas if they want him to sign, heβs around somewhere
-Forms should be signed by teachers first before admin.
- Give forms to teachers with all signatures at or before that classβs final

This year the 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Contest is open to ALL ECHS Students. There is a limited number of houses, so you need to reserve your spot!
Decorating will be after school on Friday, December 8th from 4:00-5:00. One house will cost $20, so you can share the cost between a partner or a team of 3 or 4 members. To RESERVE your house, please complete the Google form. (You will pay for the house on December 7th or 8th to Ms. Ellis) https://gforms.app/r/FUiGLd6
Gingerbread houses will be on display for judging the week of December 11th. Blue, red, and white ribbons will be awarded to the top 3 houses, and gift cards will be given to the top winners.
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Ellis at lisa.ellis@tylerisd.org