ECHS OWLS, This year the 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Contest is open to ALL ECHS Students. There is a limited number of houses, so you need to reserve your spot! Decorating will be after school on Friday, December 8th from 4:00-5:00. One house will cost $20, so you can share the cost between a partner or a team of 3 or 4 members. To RESERVE your house, please complete the Google form. (You will pay for the house on December 7th or 8th to Ms. Ellis) Gingerbread houses will be on display for judging the week of December 11th. Blue, red, and white ribbons will be awarded to the top 3 houses, and gift cards will be given to the top winners. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Ellis at
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Happy birthday to this young man as Mr. Wahl turns the big 5-0!!! πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ Enjoy your edible arrangement and the use of the wheelchair for one day 🦽 πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Mr Wahl turns 50
Winners of the 2023 Academic Fair are as follows: 9th Grade - Honorable Mentions: Mackenzie Donnel, Alexa Anderson, Makaela Brown, and Elenor Morris 3rd Place - Maddox Hensen 2nd Place - Josselyn Vega 1st Place - Sari’ah Lowry 10th Grade - Honorable Mentions: Jessiana Gonzalez, Juanita hernandez, Eduardo Lozano, Joshua Libreros, Alexa Sanchez, and Juan Rios 3rd Place - Marlene Rubio &Haley Alvarado 2nd Place - Catie Espiercueta & Leely nguyen 1st Place - Miunna davis & Tiffany Ibarra Congratulations to the all winners! Go Owls πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Purchase ECHS spirit wear from the Booster Club website now through December 3, 2023: And, don't forget to grab your $10 discount card for tons of great reusable savings around town, including Domino's, Cici's, Sonic, DQ, On The Border, Slim Chickens and many more:
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Spread the word!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
AVID Academic Fair When: Thursday, November 16, 2023 Time: 4:30-6:00 pm Where: 100 Hallway/ Cafeteria All 9th & 10th grade students are expected to be in attendance with one or more parents. Students' projects for AVID 1 & AVID 2 will be on display as a gallery walk in the 100 hallway and cafeteria. Awards for 1st , 2nd , 3rd place ribbons will be given out to the posters with the best design, creativity, and quality information. We will also be awarding consolation ribbons for honorable mentions. Parents, please feel free to come and go as you please, anytime between 4:30-6:00pm.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Hey Owls! Let’s help make this holiday season merry and bright for young girls displaced in the foster care system. We will be collecting new and unused self care products until December 11th. Ask your Advisory teacher for a list of products or look on our website. Items can be given to your Advisory or dropped off in Mrs. Baucom’s room. You can earn a No Homework Ticket for items you bring, and the Advisory with the most items will win a hot cocoa and cookie party!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Hope Haven
TSI testing for Saturday, November 11th has been CANCELLED. We apologize for the late notice. There will be 2 test dates in December on Saturday the 2nd and 9th. Students who need to test will be sent a link to sign up the Monday of that week for testing. Again, NO TSI AT ECHS TOMORROW. Happy Veteran's Day!!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Gina's will be nack today!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Please remember to wear red, white, and blue tomorrow as we observe Veterans Day!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Veterans Day
Excited to go to Power of the Purse with these ladies!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Our GIVE girls showing out again this year at Power of the Purse sponsored by The Women's Fund!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
pop You have to right click and then open it.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Get Your $10 Discount Card For Tons of Savings Around Town Profits will fund ECHS gear for the new building, including an ECHS tablecloth, banner, stuffed animals, stickers, magnets, pens, yard signs, backpacks, and other promotional materials. 2 ways to purchase: Order via credit card at (includes an option to have it mailed) From the Booster Club during lunches on Fridays Get More Info on the Booster Club Website.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
We would like to honor the veterans of our ECHS families. Please fill out the google form sent by Mr. Haas. Wear red, white, and blue this Friday, November 10th.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Veterans Day
Congratulations to Molly Johnson for winning the Art Fest prize during last week's Homecoming festivities. A big thank you to our alumna, Ana Perez, for hosting the event.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
art fest student winner
Tomorrow is ECHS HOCO! Come in your best DISCO themed outfits and have some fun amidst the work-load you carry each day!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Bus riders: there has been a shortage of drivers and some pick up times may be delayed. Transportation has said to make sure parents are checking their Ride 360 app for any delays or bus route change notifications. We apologize for our students waiting out in the cold this morning.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Homecoming week continues at ECHS as students dress as Barbie or Ken. #HOCO2023 #1inEastTX πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS students Barbie and Ken dress up
ECHS students Barbie and Ken dress up
ECHS students Barbie and Ken dress up
ECHS students Barbie and Ken dress up
Calling all Senior OWLS! The 2024 Austin Bank Scholarship is now open for applications. Please stop by Mrs. Standifer's office for the packet or click on the link below for more information. Deadline is February 23, 2024, but don't delay! You will need to get your transcripts and letters of recommendation to go with your application! #WatchUsSoar
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Austin Bank