Please join us for a virtual Q&A session with current OU med students on Monday, October 30 at 5:30pm CDT! Learn about life as a medical student and ways to prepare as an applicant.
Register here!

Hey Owls! Our School Spirit Store is up and ready for you to get all your ECHS Owl gear! Use the QR code below to see all the merch!

The teacher of the month is Mr. Ramirez. His fellow teachers say he has jumped right into teaching at ECHS like he's been here for years. He's here early every morning preparing to create a classroom that is inviting and rigorous for his students. He leads co-planning for US History and is an active part of the Soc. Studies PLC. The students give positive reports on his classroom and appreciate his preparedness. He highlights a crew of new teachers at ECHS that keep our future bright!

The freshman student of the month is Willow Evans. Her teachers say she is the textbook definition of a well-rounded student. She is kind and funny. Her sarcasm is well placed and delivered. She operates as a positive model in social circles. She approaches academics tasks with a desire to get it right, and to get it right early. She holds herself to high expectations.

Hey Owls! Just a heads up that this Wednesday, Oct. 4th, the National Emergency Broadcast System test is set for 1:20 pm. This means that all phones, tvs, and radios will send out a warning test. We ask that students and teachers turn off their phones completely (not just on silent) before the end of 3rd period so this will not disrupt classes.

Congrats to our top three sellers:
1. Salvador Montes
2. Maham Hussein
3. Willow Evans
Top advisory: Mr. Wahl's
Thanks to all for your support. We still have a lot of chocolate out! If you took chocolate, please bring $ in ASAP! We need it and it sticks to your account until paid! Thanks again!

World's Finest Chocolate sales Top 3 Sellers:
1. Salvador Montes
2. Maham Hussain
3. Willow Evans
Top Advisory by sales per student average:
1. Mr. Wahl's

Our inquisitive Owls were at it again! This time they were seen taking notes on a gallery walk for Ms. Ellis' EDUC 1300 class. AVID strategies for the WIN! #WatchUsSoar

Chocolate sales update: all of the boxes of chocolate are gone.
Money is still being accepted through today for the top 3 student sellers and the top advisory class.
If you haven't picked up your chocolate by now it is too late, but you are still expected to pitch in and pay your part of $120 as a donation. If there are circumstances that prohibit this you should speak with Mr. Haas to make arrangements.
Payments can be made online at:
Thank all of those who have participated in helping raise money for ECHS! π¦ #1HighSchoolinEastTX

Hey Owls! It's that time again to sign up for our annual blood drive! We hold two blood drives a year to help out our community: one in December and another in April. Please use the Google Form below to sign up. Seniors who donate twice in a school year (or have an adult donate in their name) will receive their red cord at graduation!

The Navy came by to visit our Senior Owls last Friday to discuss the many advantages to joining the Armed Forces. Thanks Mr. Trotter for setting this up! #WatchUsSoar

Thanks for all the support during this year's chocolate fundraiser, lots of $ came in this week! Tomorrow is the last official day and prizes will be guven Monday!

Jigsaw's, Objectives and AVID strategies durin ECHS learning walks look great! #effectsize #soarhigher

Our ECHS Owls participated in Sources of Strength last Friday at the CTC. Sources of Strength is a best practice youth suicide prevention project designed to harness the power of peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture, ultimately preventing suicide, bullying, and substance abuse. The mission of Sources of Strength is to prevent suicide by increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and caring adults. #WatchUsSoar

ECHS Sources of Strength Peer Leader's Training was last Friday where students learned how to use and offer sources of strength to those in need of help.

Friday is the deadline for our chocolate fundraiser competition! Get your $ in!. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!

Coming along!

Guess who has THE BEST office peeps?

"Friends" since 6th grade! So proud of you!

11th & 12th grade students,
Mr. Haas has just received ACT Waivers. If you need one and qualify for using one, come by and pick one up if you plan to register and take the ACT test.