Friday is here! Both MW and TT 11th and 12th Advisory classes meet in the following locations: Butterfield - Cafeteria Miranda - Room 206 Silva - Room 107 Stoltz - Cafeteria Taylor - Room 201 Happy Friday!!!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
All 11th and 12th graders must come to school on Fridays. You will attend your HS classes as normal. MW TJC students will meet in the cafeteria 1st-4th period except for when your AVID class is scheduled on your Tyler ISD schedule. AVID 3: 1st in room 208 2nd in room 300 3rd in room 209 4th in room 305 AVID 4 meets in the library. TT TJC students will meet in the cafeteria 5th & 6th period and the Gym for 7th & 8th period, except for when your AVID class is scheduled on your Tyler ISD schedule. AVID 3: 6th in room 304 7th in room 302 8th in room 206 AVID 4 meets in the library. Lunch is 11:44-12:33. No students can leave campus tomorrow and no food orders this week either. Finish this first week strong Owls!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Only day 2 and Pre-AP Chemistry is in full swing with workstation labs. Go Mrs. Walker! #SoarHigher #1inEastTX πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Chemistry workstations
Chemistry workstations
Chemistry workstations
Chemistry workstations
Hey Owls! Now is the time to sign up for free and reduced meals at ECHS. Use the link below to get the application. You can also find the link on our webpage!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Meal Application
Parents and Students, Please be on the lookout for our World's Greatest Chocolate Sale forms to come home with your student. This is our 1 mandatory fund raiser each year that raises money for testing fees like SAT, ACT, AP and TSIA. We ask that each student sell at least 2 boxes ($120 worth) and more is even better (there will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners). Please sign the permission slip and make sure that your student brings it back ASAP so they can start selling! Many thanks in advance!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Please see the attachment for the whole flier regarding Friday's celebration. :)
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS PLC teams ranking teaching strategies as they discuss effect size. #Hattie #TRUFramework #WrappingUpPD #SoarHigher #OneMoreSleep #1InEastTX πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS PLC teams debating the effect size of teaching strategies .
ECHS PLC teams debating the effect size of teaching strategies.
ECHS PLC teams debating the effect size of teaching strategies.
ECHS PLC teams debating the effect size of teaching strategies.
ECHS PLC teams debating the effect size of teaching strategies.
Just in case, here's the bell schedule to put you at ease! Freshmen and Sophomores in gym in the morning, Juniors in Cafe and Seniors in the library! All need to enter through the front or back gates! No side gates should be utilized. Thanks and see you soon!!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Bell Schedule
Guess what we are celebrating Friday?
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Owls! Please review the TJC bus schedule below. Students will need to make sure to get on the correct bus when classes start. Please contact the front office with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
AM Bus Schedule
PM Bus Schedule
Senior Parents, Please note the change in location; we will be at the Tyler High Auditorium!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Senior Parent Meeting
Don't miss out on this opportunity; especially those of you who are free of classes at this time!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
College Fair
ECHS staff working on perfecting their PLCs and getting into planning with only 2 more sleeps until the Owls rise during the day for the #1stDayOfSchool #SoarHigher πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS, the website mistakenly says there is Open Housectomorrow, that is incorrect, there is not. Just clarifying. Pardon any confusion.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
"Owl" have a Happy Birthday! Congrats to our summer babies on staff!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
summer bdays
summer bdays
The NHS provided teacher treats for our first day back.Β  Thank you Mrs. Houston for baking yummy OWLS for our parliament!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
The NHS provided teacher treats for our first day back.Β  Thank you Mrs. Houston for baking yummy OWLS for our parliament!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Early College High School staff working hard to bring their A game to the #1 high school in East Texas while pushing for mastery by incorporating high-leverage AVID strategies. #SoarHigher #ECHS2023PD πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
ECHS professional development day 2
Trs gearing up for 2023/4 with a spotlight on MASTERY! #SoarHigher
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
training g
All incoming students' parents should attend from 4:30-6:30 (the entire time)to get necessary information for your students' success as well as receiving their schedules and Chromebooks. This is limited to all incoming 9th and 10th graders only. Students who already attended ECHS last year do NOT need to attend. Booster Club, food trucks and ECHS merchandise will also be available; so bring cash! See you soon!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Parent University 2023