Watch our custodians gearing up for the 2023-2024 school year!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Senior Schedule Checks tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Check social media and email for your time!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Welcome Mr. Jerod Thomas to the Parliament as well! He will be joining the History Department! Mr. Thomas' hobbies and interests include anything related to Texas History (first), (then) American History, especially the Civil War era and WWII. He also enjoys listening to music, gaming and reading. Mr. Thomas has 4 children, ages 23, 21, 15 and 12 and one granddaughter who will turn one at the end of August; she has Mr. Thomas wrapped around her little finger. This will be his 11th year teaching and he is excited to start at ECHS and TISD!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Mr. Thomas and grand
ECHS parents, attendance matters! Here's how absences can add up. Every day counts toward student success!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Absences chart
This is mandatory for all NEW INCOMING OWLS' PARENTS ONLY! Due to lack of space, no other grade levels will attend at this time. New students' parents will receive important information regarding ECHS, their student's schedule and their students' technological device. We will also have food trucks available for those who are hungry!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
ECHS Owls, help us welcome our new Algebra 2 teacher, Dr. Robin Ragland! I am a Tyler native and a Tyler ISD and UT Tyler alum. I did my graduate studies at the University of North Texas in Denton. I am an avid reader, a lover of art, music, and creative writing, and a sci-fi/fantasy nerd. I have spent the past three years as an adjunct lecturer at both UT Tyler and LeTourneau University in Longview. While I enjoy all of my creative pursuits, my main joy, my true passion, is teaching mathematics. Imparting my joy and love for the subject to my students is my calling in life, and I am delighted to share that with the students at ECHS.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Dr. Ragland
Hello Everyone! My name is Nic Ramirez and this will be my first year at Early College High School and TISD. I have been teaching for 10 years in both public and private schools. I have also been an Adjunct Professor of History at Tyler Junior College for the last 7 years. Born and raised here in Tyler and in my free time I love to catch up on my favorite series or movies or grabbing a good book to read. I look forward to this upcoming school year and being a ECHS Owl! Picture is from the San Antonio Comic Con I went to this month and met the Marvel actress Elizabeth Olsen.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Nic Ramirez
Owls! Help us welcome Mr. Luke Wood to the Parliament! He will be joining our English department. Mr. Wood has been with TISD for 10 1/2 years; 2 1/2 at the elementary level and 8 at the middle school level. Mr. Wood grew up in Lindale; has been married 11 years and has 3 children. He would like it known that he accepted Christ as his Savior 24 years ago and is so very excited to be a part of the ECHS team; the best high school in east Texas! Welcome Mr. Wood!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Luke Wood
ECHS Owls, help us welcome our new Online Teaching Assistant to the Parliament, Mr. Carlos Jaimes! Mr. Jaimes will be taking Mr. Gamblin's position as Mr. Gamblin will be teaching AVID 2 next year for us at ECHS. Mr. Jaimes currently serves TISD via the maintenance department and is eager to get into the classroom and work more closely with students. He is "passionate about helping develop future generations while recognizing each individual's path." He is a "family man who enjoys good food, fantasy sports, and wrestling." Welcome!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Mr. Jaimes
Don't miss it!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
sophomore sc
Don't miss it!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Jr. schedule check
Senior Schedule Checks coming soon!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
senior sc
Day 4 of Summer Bridge 2023 was all about setting expectations and getting our Owls ready to pounce on their academics come August 16th!!! πŸ¦‰
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Testing with Trotter
Biology intro
Expectations with Principal Hortman
English with Ruelle
A says hi
Wahl brings the social studies
Crafts with Creel and Rose
Standifer supporting the emotions
Ellis serving the community
Kinkade running with math
Summer Bridge Day 4; the Fabulous Flaming Funyuns took the lead to win the revered, "Bubo, the Gold Owl!" Ms. Kinkade strikes again! Enjoy your win, until next year!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Parent University for the parents on incoming students (Freshmen and some Sophomores) is August 10, 4:30 - 6:30. There will be sessions, so plan to attend for the entire time. Schedules and laptops will be passed out at the end as well.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Parent Uni
Summer Bridge Day 3!!! Whooooo will win the golden owl??
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Heads up all Freshmen and incoming Sophomore Owl Families! Please join us August 10th from 4:30-6:30 for Parent University. Due to space limitations, parents/guardians only for this event.
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Parent University
More Summer Bridge 2023 pics!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School
Summer Bridge Day 1 was a blast! Loved getting to know our new additions to the Parliament!
over 1 year ago, Early College High School