ECHS: Early Release Thursday Schedule 8:00 - 8:30 Clubs 8:35 - 9:25 5th period 9:30 - 10:20 6th period 10:25 - 11:15 7th period 11:15 Lunch/Car Rider Dismissal 11:30 Busses leave, don't miss your bus Have a enjoyable weekend πŸ¦‰
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS: Benchmark testing tomorrow for all 9th graders in Biology and US History 11th grade students on campus and 10th grade students. Students: Check the signs for room changes due to testing as the 200 & 300 hall classrooms will be used for testing. Please bring ChromeBooks fully charged with your chargers πŸ”Œ One more day of testing and then an Early Release on Thursday with a Good Friday off to follow!!! πŸ¦‰
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Hey Owls! Tonight is our Booster Club meeting in the cafeteria beginning at 5:30. We will be holding elections for next year's officers. Our prom fundraiser coupon books will also be available for purchase. Remember - every student who's parents are present will receive a "Drop your lowest grade" ticket! See you then!
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
booster club
you're never too old to hunt eggs πŸ₯š in Ms.Ellis' Senior English class. #WatchUsSoar
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
egg hunt
ECHS Benchmark testing tomorrow for all Algebra 1 9th graders and US History 11th grade students on campus and 10th grade students with College Math on Wednesday. (The rest of US History students, which is most will test on Wednesday as well as 9th grade Biology). Check the signs for room changes due to testing. Please bring ChromeBooks fully charged with your chargers πŸ”Œ Get a good nights rest and don't forget to feed yourself!!! πŸ¦‰
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Hey ECHS! It's April - time to plant those beautiful plants and flowers! To celebrate, the ECHS Booster Club has partnered with Flower Power Fundraising to provide you with an assortment of beautiful flower and vegetable bulbs and seeds for your garden! Deadline to order is April 30th. Click on the link below to see their great selection and to help support our wonderful Booster Club!
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Owl and flowers
Booster Club
Tomorrow night is our Booster Club meeting beginning at 5:30 in the cafeteria. All students of parents who attend will receive a β€œDrop your lowest grade” ticket. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Booster Club
ICYMI (in case you missed it) Carla Andazola was awarded the Cooke College Scholarship! Here's some more information about this great opportunity!
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS mascot
ECHS family, Help us offset Prom expenses while saving money on stuff you'll probably be buying anyway! Use the QR code to order!
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Coupon book sales
ECHS! Save money AND help s curb Prom expenses for this year and next! You're gonna eat out anyway, so why not?
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
see us for info
ECHS as Spring is here so is Scholarship season for our seniors. Congratulations to senior Sa'Naya Hall and being accepted into the Texas Leadership Scholars Program! #WatchUsSoar #FutureUTTylerPatriot πŸ¦‰
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Texas Leadership Scholars Program
Texas Leadership Scholars Program benefits
Hey Owls! Our Booster Club needs your support! We need donations of snacks and volunteers for lunches on Fridays. Items can be dropped off at the front office anytime during the week. Click on the link below to see what is needed!
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Booster Club
Come one, come all to our first annual Owl Art Fest! April 14th from 4-6 pm #WatchUsSoar
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Owl Art Fest
ECHS Senior Carla Andazola has been announced as a semi-finalist winner of a $3,200 scholarship from the National Honor Society. Congratulations Carla! #WatchUsSoar #NHS
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
NHS semi-finalist Carla Andazola
ECHS - Tomorrow Friday, March 24th will be a Tuesday/Thursday schedule with Clubs during Advisory. There will be no outside food orders allowed. Booster Club will be selling Pizza & Snacks during lunches πŸ• Tues/Thur TJC students do not need to attend, unless they have Edgenuity to complete then they must attend school!!! πŸ¦‰
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS JRS/SRS This Friday wil be a T/Th B Day to make up for testing yesterday. If you have ECHS classes on T/Th you must come to ECHS and attend those classes, M/W students do not need to come UNLESS YOU HAVE EDGENUITY TO COMPLETE. If you have questions, email Ms. Hortman. πŸ˜‰
almost 2 years ago, Early College High School
Prospective ECHS students!!! Acceptance letters are on their way!!! Share your entry into the #1 school in East Texas by posting your picture. #WatchUsSoar #ECHS2023 πŸ¦‰ Welcome to The Parliament πŸ¦‰
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS’ Mr. Brookshire showing the ECHS acceptance letter
teachers :showing the ECHS acceptance letter
Congrats to our very own Shannon Kinkade, a TOP teacher of the year!
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Tomorrow night is our Booster Club meeting beginning at 5:30 in the cafeteria. All students of parents who attend will receive a β€œDrop your lowest grade” ticket. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Booster Club
Charades at Sources of Strength Friday! #fun #suicideprevention #watchussoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School