Mr. Silva's A&P students know how to study! #futurehealthcareproviders #watchussoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Seniors survived the storm and got to tour UT Arlington! #watchussoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
UT a
Hey ECHS! Do you feel that? Spring has finally arrived! To celebrate, the ECHS Booster Club has partnered with Flower Power Fundraising to provide you with an assortment of beautiful flower and vegetable bulbs and seeds for your garden! Click on the link below to see their great selection and to help support our wonderful Booster Club!
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Booster Club
ECHS, This is notice that Sources of Strength will be in the cafe tomorrow due to testing. FYI
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS Journalism major and NHS President, Nayeli Carrillo, speaks to an audience at the CCRSM Showcase hosted at ECHS today. πŸ¦‰ #WatchUsSoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS student speaking at Showcase
ECHS Wednesday SAT Testing Schedule 8:00-11:50 9th grade students in Advisory -Aranguren Room 103 -Borel Room 108 -Ruelle Room 107 -Wahl Gym with Coach Jenkins -Kinkade Room 201 10th grade non-testing students -Last names A through He Room 202 -Last names Hi through W Room 105 11th grade non-testing students -Room 105 12th grade non-testing students -Room 202 All testing students check rosters posted for room assignments in the 200 or 300 hall 11:55-12:55 Lunch for ALL -Can order food -Food truck will be on campus (tacos) 1:00-2:10 Regular 3rd period for ALL 2:10-3:45 Regular 4th period for ALL Friday will be an "A" day to make up for missed classes due to testing. NO FOOD ORDERS. Advisory will be a long Club period.
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS - Wednesday, March 1st is SAT Testing on campus for 10th, 11th, & 12th grade students. 10th graders who took Algebra 1 in 9th grade are not testing. 12th graders who have previously taken the SAT are not testing. 11th/12th grade students with a science practical or mid-term at TJC on Wednesday are not testing. The make up SAT date is March 22nd. This Friday is an "A" day with Clubs during Advisory and then 1st - 4th period to make up for Wednesday's testing. No outside food orders on Friday. Wednesday outside food orders are allowed and there will be food trucks for lunch starting at 11:45. Wednesday's schedule to come in a follow-up message.
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
10 Go Texan scholarships shipped out! Now fingers 🀞 #watchussoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Sources of Strength was a huge success! So grateful for community partners who care about kids in East Texas. #WatchUsServe #WatchUsSoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
toby wahl
Parker and Ellis
ECHS, Tomorrow is a 1-8 Friday with clubs! Lunch is 11:44-12:33! Outside orders are allowed.
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Why apply to ECHS? "You meet people that help you achieve academic goals and save money on college. Karime V. - Class of 2022 Joined the Marines Application window closes March 1st. Apply through this link:
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS logo
Why apply to ECHS? "Honestly, it's the staff, teachers who genuinely want you to succeed. If you are looking for success, structure, & are very goal oriented then this is the place for you. Go Owls!" Lali N. - Class of 2019 Traveled the world and now continuing at TJC Application window closes March 1st. Apply through this link:
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
TJC  Graduation
Busy and Gr8 week!
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
back hist
Yet another exciting event last week as 2 of our students were honored at the Rotary Club Luncheon. #WatchUsSoar
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Why apply to ECHS? "If you have any anxiety, or are nervous about where you’re going in the future, ECHS is the best place to go. ECHS can open your eyes to amazing opportunities and prepare you to face them down. You get a jump start on being an adult, with a significantly less amount of stress. When you come out of ECHS, you will have more direction, and be more prepared to handle the things coming your way." Alexis Wilson - Class of 2019 Opened own business Application window closes March 1st. Apply through this link:
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS logo
Why apply to ECHS? "Someone should choose to go to Early College High School to not only further their education in the best way possible, but also to get a experience of a lifetime. While the workload is a lot, so is the fun you will have. If you are looking for a place with a great support system, fun activities, and a place where everyone gets along ECHS is the place for you." Jernai Mosley - Class of 2022 Currently attending Baylor University Application window closes March 1st. Apply through this link:
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS Graduates
School report cards are out and ECHS got straight A's!!! πŸ¦‰ πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ“ Less than 2 weeks left to apply to attend the #1 high school in East Texas. March 1st the application will close. Apply online at
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
TEA accountability rating for ECHS A-campus
Why apply to ECHS? "ECHS provides the opportunity to take classes that can essentially put you half through to you bachelors and save you all of the cost. It is thousands of dollars in college debt that you will never have to experience. It also provides a close community of students as the number of individuals accepted is small enough to make socializing easy. Not to mention, the student-to-teacher ratio is much smaller than other schools and allows the teachers to provide more attention to each individual, even in college courses." Katelyn Blakely - Class of 2019 Pursuing Bachelor's in Psychology at UT - Tyler & then a Doctorate in Psychology Application window closes March 1st. Apply through this link:
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS Graduates
Happy Valentine's Day Owls! In honor of this special day, please enjoy our sweet edition of the Parliament Newsletter! Just click on the link below to read all about what our students and staff have been up to so far this semester! Have a wonderful day!
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
Owls in love
Why should a current 8th or 9th grade student apply to ECHS? "If they plan on embarking on a college path that requires a masters or doctoral degree, then ECHS really sets you ahead on getting started on the higher education and prepares you for the struggle of higher level learning." Myah A. - Class of 2022 Currently attending Sam Houston State University Application window closes March 1st. Apply through this link:
about 2 years ago, Early College High School
ECHS Graduates