Legacy student Carlton Haynes, Jr. holds his certificate for being named  student of the month
school board meeting
Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford delivered the Annual State of the District Address
Tyler Legacy High School
Sandra Newton holding two trophy/awards earned for being named administrator of the year by TAEA
Tyler ISD icon
Principal Dr. Kristin Walls standing in front of a screen with a presentation on it. She was a guest speaker at UT Tyler's Career Success Conference.
Aztec dancers and traditional Mexican Ballet Folklorico captivated visitors from the auditorium stage
Tyler High JROTC members in full uniform sitting at tables
School Board Workshop
two middle school children stand next to a table decorated with cultural items from Mexico
elementary age students in classroom wearing glow necklaces
Griffin students and staff dressed in festive clothing & standing on a stage for Hispanic Heritage month
Rice Elementary staff dressed as chefs, wearing aprons and chef hats, sitting in front of a sign that says, "Donut Grow Up"
three elementary age children wearing backpacks walking in front of a school bus across the road
bright colored art pieces panted for Hispanic Heritage Month
staff members stand around Ms. Khalatbari, who is holding her teacher of the month certificate. Two staff members are wearing "bee" costumes
Hubbard Middle School principal Geoffrey Sherman and 7th grade student Owen Harrison, holding his student of the month certificate
Daniel Gutierrez, 5th grade student at T.J. Austin Elementary School​  holds certificate for being named October student of the month
School Board Meeting