Pre-K had an apple-solutely great week learning about apples! From reading narrative and informational texts, to apple art crafts, to apple STEM activities, and to tasting delicious apples!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
A boy eating apple slices.
A girl painting with apples.
Three boys doing a STEM activity.
A girl showing how apples grow.
Our 2nd grade Rangers are working together in teams to build a bridge. Will they be strong enough? They will test their bridge after the building process is complete!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Students working together to build a bridge.
Students working together to build a bridge.
Students working together to build a bridge.
Students working together to build a bridge.
We are celebrating HELLO week at Rice, and these Rangers showed up and out with their encouraging message shirts to spread the L OV E today! Don’t forget to wear your grade level colors tomorrow to celebrate being on the TEAM!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
students wearing encouraging message shirts
students with encouraging message shirts
students with encouraging message shirts
students with encouraging message tees
Students at Rice are learning all about rhythm in music!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
3rd grade students showing his work in Music.
1st grade students showing their work in Music
3rd grade students showing his work in Music
3rd grade students showing their work in Music
Our youngest rangers learned about families this week. They were very excited to share about their families!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
A boy presenting pictures of his family.
A boy presenting pictures of his family.
A boy presenting pictures of his family.
A boy presenting pictures of his family.
These Rice Rangers in 2nd grade explored types and changes of matter by making root beer floats.
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Students showing their work
Students pouring root beer in ice cream to make a float
Students tasting their floats
Students recording their observations.
Puzzles, Chromebooks, and writing, oh my! Our Pre-K students are loving literacy stations!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
A boy placing letter manipulatives on the correct letter.
A girl completing an alphabet puzzle.
A girl using a Chromebook to practice letter recognition.
A girl writing the letter P on a smart board.
These 2nd grade Rangers are working hard on double digit addition using base ten pictorial models.
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Students showing their math work.
Students showing their math work
ATTENTION πŸ›‘ We're launching Safe2SpeakUP, which lets students anonymously report any bully-related activity, even for friends, from a mobile app. Learn more and download the app πŸ‘‡ πŸ”—
over 2 years ago, Tyler ISD
Safe2SpeakUP app icon with download badges
Check out Ms. Hall’s Pre-K Class! Last week, they received popsicles as a reward for achieving their class behavior goal! Way to go Rangers!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
A boy smiling with his popsicle.
A Pre-K class siting and eating popsicles.
Six girls eating popsicles.
A Pre-K class siting on the classroom rug smiling.
Rice Rangers showed up and showed out in their college colors today!!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Ms. Taylor and Ms. Pyle with a student wearing college colors
teachers wearing college shirts
kinder Aggie fans with Mr. Smiley
kindergarten students wearing college shirts
These 2nd grade Rice Rangers are practicing complete sentences with frog facts and Sentence Sam!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Students are holding up their work.
Pre-K has been working hard learning to recognize and write their names!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
A boy and a girl holding their name artwork made of small pieces of paper.
A boy using a purple dry erase marker to practice writing his name.
A girl putting rainbow strips of paper with the letters of her name in correct order.
A girl using a purple marker to trace her name.
Our youngest Rice Rangers are starting the new school year off exploring STEM activities!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
A boy putting small shape manipulatives in a line.
A boy exploring with small shape manipulatives.
A boy sitting in a cardboard box.
Can’t stop, won’t stop!! Look at these Rice Rangers working on their FITNESS in PE!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Student juggling with scarves.
Two students crab walking in PE
Student in midair jump roping.
Two students playing hockey.
How do you like your eggs? 2nd grade is serving up place value breakfast!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
students holding up their work
students holding up their work
students holding up their work
students holding up their work
These three students are this year's first set of "Smiley Superstars!" They exhibited one of the seven habits that are outlined in our Leader In Me character building curriculum and were given an orange leadership ticket by their teacher to place in a bucket by the media center. We draw one lucky winner from each bucket then celebrate them over our live video announcements before they come to the front office and receive a goody back full of smiley themed items. Thank you for raising Rice Ranger LEADERS!
over 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Rice Students hold up smiley face awards
orange leadership tickets given to students who exhibit one of the seven habits
leadership ticket buckets outside the media center
caught you looking like leader yellow ticket
It may be gloomy and rainy outside, but the "First In, Last Out" crew is bringing the BRIGHT and SHINY every day. These ladies work hard to keep our campus neat and clean while spreading joy to the staff and students. We are so thankful they're on our TEAM!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
Rice Custodians
Pre-k has had a GROOVY week learning what it takes to be a Rice Ranger. They also ended their first week by going on an adventure with Pete the Cat around the campus!
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
PreK touring the campus
PreK finding the office
PreK celebrating the first week of school
PreK student celebrating the end of the first week
Hey TEAM, check out Mrs. Wofford and her 5th grade scientists exploring and practicing the scientific method with a fun lab in class today. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»
over 2 years ago, Rice Elementary
students testing the scientific method
students testing the scientific method
students testing the scientific method
students testing the scientific method