High school African American girl proudly showing off her Stanford t-shirt
school board meeting
Early College, Tyler High and Tyler Legacy mascot logos
John Smiley
Elementary aged students standing in a row with their arms behind each others backs
School Board Workshop
Red Raiders Tyler Legacy with red raider logo
Tyler Independent School District and the Cooperative Teachers Credit Union present the 2020-2021 Educator of the Year Banquet
glass jar with red and blue confetti inside. two American flags sticking out the top.
New Episode featuring Gary Brown
Vote with a checkmark and American flag
Rice ES students win the Book Battle
Malcolm Jones, Moore MST student
Tyler High School seniors have qualified to be TJC Promise Scholars
LaRena Brooks
Books sitting on top of a polka dot tub with purple lid. The Giving Tree, Llama Llama Loves to Read, A is for Airplane and The Little Engine that Could
Aarae Sinville and representatives from CTMF holding a big check made out to Sarae for $5000
school board meeting
We want to hire you on the spot! Newly graduated? No problem
One Chip Challenge - red X through the words and flames coming from the bottom