Race Car
high school students set up under a tent sitting on tires and tires hanging in background
Teaching & Education student
Practicum of Design student
AV Production
CTC Welding
two women wearing purple tie-dyed shirts sit at a table
Welding Team Building at CTC
Team Building at CTC
Caucasian man wearing a white button down shirt sits behind a microphone
Hooray 1st Day. Welcome Back. yard sign
5 consecutive years District of Distinction TAEA Texas Art Education Association
elementary age kids looking into a bug house
men and women stand in front of a big screen that says, "2022-2023 Business Partner of the Year" Southside Bank
Caucasian man, African American high school girl and Caucasian man stand next to each other holding a giant check for $1,000
design challenge monitor
Dr. Marty Crawford in front of a microphone
three women stand next to each other. one is holding a dog and the other two are holding a giant check for $500